Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window?
'Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window', an evening celebrating the wit, wisdom, wordplay, exasperation, and songwriting genius of Dylan in his electric heyday.
A cast of two actors: John Milroy and Pete Garwood, and two musicians: Rick Sanders and Jim Gosney.
John Milroy played Dylan's interrogators , various media interviewers (from transcripts), and A J Weberman , the notorious Dylanologist and one of the first celebrity stalkers. Pete Garwood responded in Dylan's actual words ( and from behind dark glasses).
The evening also included an extract from Dylan's novel Tarantula, and poetry by Allen Ginsberg.
The show was performed twice; in the upstairs room of The Lamb in Lamb's Conduit Street in May 2008, and at The Cross Kings N1 in October 2008.
Below is the programme for the evening.